Therapy Melody


Give us a call: 508-733-5951

About Me

the ownerIt all began as a child, singing with my father in a church choir. Growing up as an adult, I have neglected the music of my childhood in pursuit of an academic career. However, lately I have been dreaming of singing in my sleep, hearing music and songs in my sleep, identifying lyrics and music in people’s voices and speech. More than often, I hear music as people speaks, most especially my patients. IV machines, G-tube pumps, patients call lights etc. seems to come in rhythm and heard sometimes as I sleep. I started recording on my Blackberry Cell phone and write on scraps of papers as words and lyrics comes into my inner awareness. From these, my music is born!

“Life is music! The ups and downs of life, the trials and ecstatic moments are the pitches of the music of our lives. The pitches have meanings; more than often, we just need to ride on through it, just as if we are surfing. I am riding on!!”

At Music Lectual, I want to share my passion and music to a wider audience. To learn more about what I have to offer, please feel free to call me at 508-733-5951. You can also visit my New Releases page for the latest music updates!

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